Posted at 10:27h
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by Michela
There is excitement among those involved in beer, mixology, and cuisine: in a few days, Beer&Food Attraction will kick off in Rimini (February 16-18), an unmissable event especially for professionals in the beer sector. Both large and small breweries, importers, and major international groups, as...
Posted at 22:32h
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by Michela
This group beer tour, dedicated to the spring break starting on April 25th, 2025, centers on the city of Munich for overnight stays and takes place during the Frühlingsfest, the spring edition of Oktoberfest. The tour focuses on the breweries of monasteries and castles in...
Posted at 15:55h
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by Michela
Have you ever visited the Angelo Poretti Brewery in Induno Olona? It is a spectacular brewery in Art Déco stile according to the German Jugendstil interpretation with a brewing room built in 1908 and still in use. On November 22nd from 6 to 8 p.m....
Posted at 18:18h
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by Michela
On August 25, 2024, the event "Open Hop Fields" will take place, promoted by the Italian Beer Consortium together with Coldiretti, across agricultural breweries nationwide, and it is rapidly gaining popularity. Now in its second edition, the main goal is to bring the public closer...
Posted at 16:12h
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by Michela
On October 14th, the Women of Wine from Lombardy will be at the Monastery of Astino (Bergamo) to support the conference “Women and Agriculture as a Space for Work and Inclusion,” organized by Oikos and Rete di Daphne in collaboration with Coldiretti Bergamo and Brescia...
Posted at 11:27h
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by Michela
We highlight an interesting article by Marco Agustoni on WU, which tells the story of Personal Brewery, a workshop in Milan where passionate homebrewers can produce their own beers with the support of expert staff, in addition to attending beer courses. Also interviewed for the...
Posted at 10:26h
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by Michela
A long weekend dedicated to taste. From June 14th to 16th, "BIS: Biella Saperi & Saperi" returns, a weekend dedicated to exploring the flavors and traditions of Biella, organized by Fondazione BIellezza. The complete program of events is available here. Notably, there will be a...
Posted at 10:15h
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by Michela
An interesting article by Gambero Rosso discusses the trend reversal observed in the USA between the consumption of wine and other alcoholic beverages and light drugs like cannabis. A study conducted by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that regular cannabis users...
Posted at 13:56h
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by Michela
The celebration for the birthday of the Women of Beer Association will take place this year on April 20th in Carate Brianza (MB) at the brewpub of Birra Gaia, in collaboration with Teatro Donna by Barbara Renna and Alessia Castelli, who will present a theatrical...